This is cash offer. If financing needed, vehicle price changes. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and fees, and any emission testing charge. ALL FEEs are NOT Negotiable. Subject to prior sale. Price is subject to qualification criteria and may be contingent upon finance approval. OUR DEALER DOC AND PREP FEE IS $499.00 The price for listed vehicles as equipped does not include charge such as: License, Title, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes, ELECTRONIC FILING FEE IS $145.00. The front windshield is in excellent condition. The paint is in great shape and condition. The tires are slightly worn with about 75% of tread life left. The interior was well maintained and is extra clean. The exterior was well maintained and is extra clean. The engine is functioning properly and has no issues. This vehicle has no previous collision damage. The transmission shifts very smoothly. The brakes are in great condition. The battery is in excellent condition. The car was previously owned by a non smoker. This vehicle comes with a spare key. This vehicle had one previous owner.